Sunday, July 5, 2015

Just Medium

It always surprises me when people ask me why I haven't blogged in a while; partially because I forget real people even read the things I write, but also because if they do read them, I rarely expect them to be watching for anything new. When someone asks me when they can expect a new post, I usually reply with, "I guess whenever something happens and I have something good to write about."

I realize that a majority of my posts are about big moments in my life that God is using at the time to teach me, mold me, or transition me into the next season. I have written about my trials, dreams, illnesses, victories, season changes and other life-transforming events and occasions that have stuck with me over time. Rarely, however, have I written about the in-between times. Rarely have I taken the time to put my fingers to work and write about the things in my life that are just medium.

No one really likes medium if we were being honest with ourselves. We want our coffee hot or cold; medium gets sent back. We want our adventures to be grand and worth telling about; medium gets tucked away in an old scrapbook and quickly forgotten. We want our days to be full and exciting; medium makes us ponder the possibility of a change in career choice. We want people to think we are extraordinary; medium people are rarely remembered.

Medium doesn't get much credit because medium isn' t marked by those grand moments that we live for, it's just full of all the moments in-between that we don't really take notice of but that make up who we are.

Sitting here, writing this post, I am in a season of mediums. I have to admit: with my personality being the way it is, I am just not good at it. I thrive off of challenges that arise and great adventures that come my way. I love to cling to Jesus in my crisis and run with him on the mountaintop experiences in my life. I'm really bad, however, at excelling with him on medium days. I too easily forget my dependence on him. I too easily neglect celebrating what he is doing around me. I too easily lose my motivation that should be a deep love for him. I too easily allow how I am feeling (or not feeling) determine my drive. The problem with not excelling at medium is that medium makes up a solid 95% of our lives. 95% of the time, things aren't going exceedingly poorly or exceedingly well; they're simply going.

Though my day to day life may be medium in this season, I don't ever want a medium walk with Jesus. I don't want to kick back and put my feet up because I'm not engaged in a crisis or on a vacation in the mountains somewhere. I want my medium to be extraordinary when it comes to living a life fully engaged in whatever it is that God is doing in the world around me. I may wake up and do life as normal and go to sleep without encountering a single thing out of the ordinary, but would those 24 hours be spent giving everything I have to Jesus. Would those 24 hours be full of conversation with my savior and a heart that overflows with joy simply because I am pondering the greatness of who my God is.

Reading this right now, there is a 95% chance that you're having a medium day. Maybe you're in a medium season, too, and you have that stuck with no where to go feeling. Please, dear friend, do not allow that to determine the quality of your relationship with Christ and your engagement in what he has set before you to do. There is too much to be done in our homes, and our communities, and our world for us to let entire days slip by and be marked off as "medium" because we chose to take a seat on the bench until the next big thing comes along. The next big thing is here in this moment and it is the opportunity to step into what God has planned for your life TODAY. To team up with the Holy Spirit and be the hands and feet and mouthpiece of Jesus to every person you come in contact with. To take the position of an intercessor and go to war for the world around you even if you never see a single thing transpire with your eyes. Medium is awesome when medium is done with Jesus.