What is the purpose of our Christianity? What is the purpose of our relationship with God? Is it for our benefit? For our gain? So that we may be fulfilled? So that we may walk around and say all is well? So that when we are sad we may have joy? Or that when we are sick we may be made well? So that we have financial stability? So that we may have peace in the midst of a storm? So that we may be comforted in times of great sorrow? So that we can do well for ourselves and make our names great?
Because that is how we act. That is the impression we give when we pitch Christianity like a door-to-door cutlery salesman. That is the impression we give when we become offended by God in times when our lives aren't going as we had hoped or imagined. That is the attitude we take when we carry an air of entitlement and constantly strive to gain. Our prayers have become solely "God I need...God give me... Lord show me..." They have become full of favors asked of God on our own behalf.
Why are our prayers not "God there is a place where your name is not worshiped. Would your will be done and your fame be known there that you may receive glory." When is the last time that I praised God simply so He would receive His due glory and didn't end my prayer with a request or approach it with a selfish motive?
What is the purpose of my Christianity? What is the purpose of my relationship with God? Was I not created solely to love Him? Solely to bring Him glory? Everything else is a benefit, an overflow of a relationship with the creator (Matthew 6:33). But it is not the purpose. The purpose is His glory and His glory alone. Why spend time in the Word? To cultivate a passion to bring Him glory, to remind ourselves that He deserves it, to understand the richness of the Gospel and our mandate to share it so that others may bring Him glory.
No more entering worship hoping to get an experience out of it for ourselves. No more waiting for our favorite song to be sung before we really dial in. That is not worship, church. That is idolatry, placing ourselves and our own glory on the pedestal of our hearts.
No more work of our hands backed by a self-seeking heart. No more effort to look good for our gain. No more words spoken for the purpose of flaunting knowledge. It is all worthless... chaff just waiting to be burned up by the fire.
No more energy wasted, affection misplaced, or focus taken away. I'm done with myself. Myself hangs on that cross. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.
Faith for the sake of personal gain is no faith at all.
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