College is hard. It's even harder when you spend the first two years muddling through classes you feel you are never going to need. I have heard countless students inform their professor under their breath that they are "never going to use this." I was thinking this exact thing as I sat through an hour of my Intro to Physical Science class this morning listening to my professor explain nuclear physics.
Whether you have experienced this on a college level, or whether you have experienced this in a sphere outside of academics, I think we can all admit that life demands the completion of seemingly useless tasks that are simply painful to complete. Teachers ask Theology majors to memorize the periodic table, bosses ask employees to do what seems like busy work, mothers pick up after their children only to turn around five minutes later to find a colossal mess, fathers work ten or twelve hour shifts only to go home and wake up the next day to do it all over again. If we aren't careful to protect our hearts and attitudes, in the midst of the monotonous and the mundane, life can become really miserable really fast.
So what's the fix? Clearly we can't avoid the tasks that we are required to complete in order to graduate school, keep our jobs, provide for our families, or maintain an inhabitable environment. However, we can give them purpose. As I was sitting in the lecture this morning trying to wrap my mind around radioactive isotopes and atomic masses of unstable elements, this thought crossed my mind: "If I could just find Jesus in this, I know this would be more bearable." I am passionate about Jesus. If you mention His name to me, be prepared to sit down and talk for hours about how awesome He is. I have reached a point in my life where it is easy for me to wake up early to be with Jesus. It is easy for me to study for my Evangelism class or write a paper for my Bible Lit class because I enjoy getting to know Him through these things. What if I could find a way to get to know Him through my Physical Science class, too? What if you could see Jesus in the busy work at your job? What if cleaning your house for the third time this week was a way that you encountered Jesus? What if all ten or twelve hours of your work day were hours spent gazing on His face? It would really revolutionize everything.
This isn't something that is going to necessarily be easy. Training yourself to see Jesus in your everyday, less-than-exciting schedule is something that you are going to have to work at. It is also something He is willing to help you with. I promise that if you begin each day, each task, asking Jesus to reveal Himself to you in the midst of it, He will do it. As I sat in class and absorbed the lecture with a heart that said "Show me Jesus," I found him. I was able to see the intricate design of our world that points to an all-powerful creator God. I was reintroduced to a God who is so big, yet cares so deeply about the smallest details of our lives. Not only did science become bearable in that moment, but it gave me another opportunity to worship my Jesus. Look for Him in everything. Let the most undesirable circumstances in your life show you Jesus.
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