Thursday, March 2, 2017

Amazing Grace Givers

"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work."

I excitedly shared this verse found in 2 Corinthians 9:8 with a room full of Kids Ministry volunteers this past Sunday in our pre-service meeting. I energetically reminded them that God was giving us all that we needed to serve well that morning and make an impact on the Kingdom. I encouraged them that God's grace was making up for all of our shortcomings, and that we would make it through the day victoriously. I had read it the a few nights before, and something about it truly resonated inside of me. I had a wow moment with Jesus where I couldn't help but be in awe at the offer he was extending me. He makes all grace abound to ME so that I have more than enough to do every good thing he is asking of ME. I love being on this side of God's favor. It's so great to be the grace-getter.

The other side of grace is the one that I'm still learning. Being the grace-giver just isn't as fun to me yet. Thankfully, I have some awesome grace-givers in my life to how me the ropes. The first one would have to be my fiancé. If someone knows how to be gracious, its this guy. He graciously sacrifices time and energy to serve me. He freely believes the best about me before I've proven myself to him. The second grace giver(s) would have to be my parents. Talk about some unmerited, undeserved favor. These people are full of grace. Another grace giver in my life is my boss. Y'all. I have been SICK in this season of life including this week and he has been so gracious to position me to recover and rest. I am surrounded by gracious people. Here are some characteristics of amazing grace givers:

1. Amazing grace givers believe the best. If you want to be an amazing grace giver, you have to learn what it means to extend the benefit of the doubt. The quickest way to quench grace is to be a suspicious person, full of criticism and doubt. Maybe the other person doesn't deserve it, but hello, thats why it's called grace.

2. Amazing grace givers live in humility. It's easier to be gracious when you realize the grace that has been extended to you. It's easier to extend grace when you realize that you need it just as bad. Last time I checked, the world wasn't created to bend over backwards in order to serve me. In fact...

3. Amazing grace givers are servant-hearted. When we live our lives willing to be poured out for others, grace just flows out naturally as well. Start looking for people to extend help to throughout the day. Bless them with grace.

4. Amazing grace givers don't get easily offended. One of the biggest enemies of grace is offense. Offended people often close their hearts in self-pity. Closed hearts = no grace flow.

5. Amazing grace givers don't run out of grace. When we are extending grace from the source of grace, we can never run out. I'm thankful God's grace gives second, third, and sixtieth chances. I'm thankful God doesn't hold out on me. I want to give grace like that.

So, next time you hear Amazing Grace, stop and ask yourself if you are a source of that amazing grace. It's part of the reason you are here... to introduce God's grace to the world.

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